Checking ASP.Net Source Code with graspx, part 2

In yesterday’s post about graspx, I demonstrated some usages of the tool that I originally had not thought of, and it soon turned out that Windows does not provide the necessary functionality (namely a unique option in the sort command).

Therefore I added two new switches to graspx:

-col selects which columns to appear in the output (implicitly sorting the generated output and filtering unique lines

-count adds a new column to indicate the number of occurrences of each line of the result

The following examples illustrate the simplifications of yesterday’s examples.

Check EmptyDataText

To retrieve the filename and the value of the EmptyDataText attribute, run:

graspx -col 1,5 l EmptyDataText

Check CSS references

To find all CSS classes referenced in aspx pages, run:

graspx -col 5 -count l CssClass
graspx -col 5 -count l class

With the new functionality it is much easier to retrieve relevant information from your source code.

graspx is available for download here.

3 thoughts on “Checking ASP.Net Source Code with graspx, part 2

  1. Pingback: Analyze ASP.Net Source Code with graspx « devioblog

  2. Pingback: Analyze User Control usage and Hyperlinks « devioblog

  3. This is very very interesting stuff! I’m currently working at a Visual Studio add-in that lets you search for problems (aka smells) in your ASP.Net code. Depending on the problem, it usually corrects the error as well. We’re currently working on an SDK for it, and graspx seems very interesting in that respect. Would you like to give Aggiorno a try? We’d love to hear your thoughts on ways to make it programmable…


    PS: Forgot to tell you how to get the Aggiorno beta! You can find it at

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